Monday, December 8, 2008

Adventure to Mt Graham




Today after Derek went to preschool we went up to Mt Graham to play in the Snow.


Debbie Lawrence said...

Hey we got some snow too! How fun! That is nice that you have mountains so close by that you can go play in. That is one thing I miss about being in Utah.

Heather C. said...

What fun adventures: snowball fights and jumping in leaves. Thanks for sharing the pics.

Abby Gail said...

Oh...Good old Mt. Graham! How fun to play in the snow. We just got hit with a big storm today...I have to go get a shovel after work! Fun, Fun!

Anonymous said...

Love the snow pictures. Nice to go and visit it and not live in it.

Jenni said...

Hi Jill,
I left a comment on the Easter clothes, not sure how I got there. Anyway, I need to get ahold of you. I called French Cut, and they said you work at Posh Salon, but I can't find that number or your number (I used to have it memorized, but it's not coming to my mind). My # is 928-428-5147 and my email is
Jenni :)