Monday, November 17, 2008

Derek like to keep all the same ornaments in the same area it was kind of fun.

The Polar Express derek is all about trains.

This is Derek's new ornament for this year.

Christmas Time

Derek was a very big helper with the ornaments this year. It is fun watching them grow and see the changes that they go through
We dont have a star we have a big ass bow.

This is the new ornament that Jill got this year.

We are starting Christmas a little early this year. I am having Carpal tunnel surgery on the 26 th of this month so we started putting up the decorations early.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Terrorist

Well the free world did it. We elected a man that has affiliations to terrorists and to people that are shady. I think it is time to make sure that their is plenty of food in the house and the gas is full in the car. Jill and I will head for the hills if anything bad happens. Just kidding. But wow this nation doesn't realize that the Democratic party is part to blame in this recession also. The war alone is not to blame. They vote for pay raises which increases market prices and sets us right were we stared from. They vote on free services for crack heads, lazy asses that fell it is their right and privilege to mooch on the Government for their wants and needs i.e. access and welfare. Press on and believe in what we where taught since we were young. Believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and is the Son Of God and will help get us to our Father in Heaven.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Madi had a moment of happiness with her costume on and that was it a moment. Then a smile and then I placed her with Derek (next blog) and she was mad as mad could be.
Magical little Harry Potter. Derek loves to pretend that he can do magic and plays swords a lot.


Jill wanted me to post one of Madi with her halloween bow, this is the best one that we had a little dark.

I love this picture although it is blurry.

Derek as Harry Potter and Madi as a Pumpkin (she was a little grouchy).

Carving the Pumpkins

Derek hated gutting the pumpkin. I had finally gotten him to sit and watch me when I told Jill to get the camera and this is the result. Derek was very mad and told me that the pumkin skinks.