Monday, November 3, 2008


Madi had a moment of happiness with her costume on and that was it a moment. Then a smile and then I placed her with Derek (next blog) and she was mad as mad could be.
Magical little Harry Potter. Derek loves to pretend that he can do magic and plays swords a lot.


Beth said...

Madi is so adorable! What a cute pumpkin. Derek is cute too, but in a different way.

Heather C. said...

Derek makes an awesome Harry Potter and what a precious pumpkin Madi made.

Abby Gail said...

I laughed out loud at Madi's picture. It's funny that you caught her at her good moment, before the wrath started! :) Derek makes a great Harry!

Erin said...

They are sooooo cute!

We'll have to do that Harry Potter party just so I can see him all dressed up in person!

You're moment comment was very funny!