A Lot has happened since last year. Jill and I are living in Eagar AZ. Jill had our third child Jace Rulon and quit her job in Safford. That is a good thing right? I am still working for IHS in Whiteriver and do not like the commute. I also started working for a flight company called coast to coast and also got laid off from coast to coast. I did get hired with a company out of Show Low called Sunrise Air Ambulance but have yet to have a scheduled shift. (Maybe soon, I love to fly). Derek is in Pre first and will be a first grader in August. He is very inquisitive and love to learn - especially dinosaurs. Madi is a very helpful sister with her new brother and is right in his face most of the time. She loves to wake him up and state he was crying and need his binky. All is well in the Cameron Household.